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Clubul Alpin Roman - Scoala de Alpinism  


Muntii BUCEGI - 53 trasee
Muntii HASMAS - 19 trasee
Muntii POSTAVARU - 15 trasee
Muntii RETEZAT - 8 trasee
Muntii CAPATINII - 4 trasee
Muntii MEHEDINTI - 4 trasee
Muntii METALIFERI - 3 trasee
Muntii LEAOTA - 3 trasee
Muntii TRASCAU - 2 trasee
Muntii PARING - 1 traseu
Muntii VALCAN - 1 traseu
Muntii GIURGEU - 1 traseu

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Tastati numele traseului (autocomplete) 
Mason Earle makes the FFA of Psycho Bitch
Black Diamond athlete and crack climbing maestro Mason Earle spent a stint in Yosemite Valley last year, where he managed to make the first free ascent of an old project on Schultz s Ridge.

To Climb the World
Climbing dream team Alex Honnold, Mark Synnott, and Jimmy Chin face rugged cliffs, knife-wielding thieves, and deadly waters as they traverse the globe searching for the next great rock to climb. The National Geographic Live! series brings thought-provoking presentations by today's leading explorers, scientists, photographers, and performing artists right to your YouTube feed. Each presentation is filmed in front of a live audience at National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C. New clips air every Monday.

Heather Robinson: Balance
Power Windows – my first 5.13d