Refugiul s-a construit in anul 1938 de catre Clubul Alpin Roman si a gazduit pe marjoritatea alpinistilor romani de-a lungul timpului. In prezent refugiul este in proprietatea CAR.
Pentru repararea lui va cerem ajutorul, tuturor celor care de-a lungul timpului l-ati utilizat pentru ascensiunile voastre din zona Costila si muntii Bucegi. Doar impreuna vom putea sa ii redam stralucirea, sa il putem utiliza in continuare si sa il lasam generatiilor viitoare.
Pentru donatii in bani: RO12 RNCB 0073 0499 7521 0005 TITULAR: CLUBUL ALPIN ROMAN
Pentru donatii in materiale: Telefon de contact: Alexandru Paun 0745055421
As a climber sometimes our biggest job is to try to do justice to the amazing stories of our friends and peers. For this piece I worked with our crew at to tell athlete Jimmy Chin s story as he in turn highlights modern day climbing in Yosemite for a National Geographic feature story.
It seemed so serendipitous to be on assignment in a place that we all cut out teeth as adventurers and which also ended up becoming the namesake of our collective!
As always, thanks for tuning in! ~reo
Camp 4 Collective on vimeo:
Shot on the Canon 5d, L series lenses, pocket dolly v2 and video mic pro.